Posts in Improv
My Week of Improv

I have not been feeling well the past few weeks so I haven’t been able to write much.  Not only was I not writing but I was having trouble enjoying the other areas of my life.  The purpose of this site is for me to cover the things I feel passionately about.  However everything seemed sort of numb and I needed to do something to break out of the funk.   I didn’t feel great but I know I enjoy improv so I jumped in hard with a week of Improv, and it paid off!

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ImprovBryan Carey
Preview of Things to Come!

Hey everyone!

I’m just working on a few things and will have something more detailed on each one soon.  So as an exercise I am just going to give a preview of some ideas that are rattling around in my head.  If anyone has any questions or ideas then let me know.  I am not sure what expertise I can bring but I am sure I have some useful information in my head somewhere!

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iRacing, Running, ImprovBryan Carey