Preview of Things to Come!

Hey everyone!

I’m just working on a few things and will have something more detailed on each one soon.  So as an exercise I am just going to give a preview of some ideas that are rattling around in my head.  If anyone has any questions or ideas then let me know.  I am not sure what expertise I can bring but I am sure I have some useful information in my head somewhere!

Starting with some fun stuff, I am working on a blog on how I approach my iRacing, and how I go about driving faster and smarter.  I’ve been hooked up with some good guys on the service and they have really refocused me on trying to get everything out of the cars and getting everything out of myself.  These are not real cars, but I think the process and mental discipline are similar.  Thinking about setting up a car and solving problems with it are a great way to stimulate my mind.

Taking it from there I am thinking of the ways that two of my loves, imrpov and racing, are more similar than you would think.  At least I am starting to see how they are more similar than I would have thought; the preparation, the mental side, the flexibility, and in a strange way the freedom to express yourself.  I enjoy making connections in ways that many of you may not have thought before.

Speaking of improv I am already excited for camp in June!  Our friends in Waterloo ( have embraced the idea of camp and we are 2/3 sold out already!  Super exciting!  I am going to write stuff about improv soon and those guys play a big part of it!

Next is talking about fitness in general, but running specifically.  I am back to getting out and running a lot more.  Winter is challenging but finding a trail and running in any conditions is very rewarding.  It also helps me find a physical and metal balance.

Finally I’m working on the mental side of things in all aspects of my life.  Racing, Improv, running, are all a part of that effort.  However I do use tools like meditation to bring everything together.  I have learned that my mind works differently than most and it is hard to focus on one thing.  It is also very hard for me to communicate what I am thinking and feeling, something I hope to address with this blog. 

Anyways that is it for today.  I hope to take a deeper dive in to those, and other topics, soon!

iRacing, Running, ImprovBryan Carey