End of Week Update

I just have a quick update today as there is nothing particularly new in my world.  I get to spend the weekend with my son which is always enjoyable.  Saturday’s are spent at his gymnastics and swimming, and Sunday’s are usually open for whatever takes our fancy.  Hoping to add some more creative time this weekend but also hoping to help complete a purge of his (and my) stuff that seems to never stop accumulating.

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Bryan Careyrunning, daytona, 24, hours, weekend
I'm back!!

Hello everyone I’m back!

When we last left the Rev Limit it was as an almost purely a racing page.  My friends and I were going to provide commentary on various racing series as well describe our experience sim racing.  We had a lot fo fun doing it, and worked hard to build our racing networks.  However we could not differentiate ourselves from other sites.  We didn’t bring anything unique to the table.

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Bryan Careyracing, imrpov, running