End of Week Update

I just have a quick update today as there is nothing particularly new in my world.  I get to spend the weekend with my son which is always enjoyable.  Saturday’s are spent at his gymnastics and swimming, and Sunday’s are usually open for whatever takes our fancy.  Hoping to add some more creative time this weekend but also hoping to help complete a purge of his (and my) stuff that seems to never stop accumulating.

The Daytona 24 Hours starts tomorrow which kicks off the road racing season and gets me excited for Indycar and Formula 1 to come back.  It is great to see the variety of drivers from all over the world that participate in this race.  We have a few Formula 1 drivers, a few Indycar drivers, and some who split their time between IMSA and other sports car series around the world.  I confess I don’t really understand how IMSA works their regulations.  They race LMP2 and DPi cars together and claim they are balanced in performance, but it never really seems to be the case.  The LMP cars never seem to have a chance at Daytona which is a shame because I would love to see Fernando Alonso do well.  Regardless I love the challenges of a 24hr race and it is great to throw the race on TV while I go about my day in the apartment. 

I missed the iRacing version of the 24 last weekend, which would have been a blast even with my lack of experience in the cars.  I’ve been focusing my time recently on the DW12 Indycar and have been reasonably competitive again which is nice.  My life doesn’t allow me much time to practice or participate in the races I’d like, but knowing I still have the speed is a good feeling.  I want to be ready for June when the LMP1 cars come to iRacing and I can race in a proper Le Mans 24 Hours race!

Finally I’ve been out running more often now.  I tend to let my fitness go over the holidays and it normally takes most of January and February to get it back.  With the Canadian (well specifically southern Ontario) winter it is hard to get decent conditions to run in.  I don’t mind the cold, but I do mind inconsistent trail/road conditions which makes it hard to find the proper footwear.  Luckily I have found a good group of people to go out with and it becomes a lot easier to get out and do it when there are 5-10 other people following along with you!

Anyways that is it for this Friday!  I am still working on the site, trying to find the best design, balance, content, etc.  So except some changes!  I am very excited it back and that things are happening!  Bye for now!

Bryan Careyrunning, daytona, 24, hours, weekend